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the web of life in southern Africa

Biodiversity Explorers >

Baum, Jiri (1900-1944)

Former curator of birds and arachnids at the National Museum, Prague, Czechoslovakia.


Date Age Events
1900 0 Born
1931 31  Visited South Africa and other parts of Africa. Collected mainly arachnids and birds but also collected other taxa for other researchers at the National Museum of Prague.
1938/39 38/39  Visited South Africa and other parts of Africa. Collected along similar lines as his last expedition here. 
194?   Joined the underground movement in his country.
1943 43 Died in a concentration camp in Warsaw.


Jiri Baum undertook four main expeditions to Africa (plus some other short visits), 2 of which included South Africa.

He created a very large photographic archive (about 15000 negatives) from many parts of the world. Most of them were taken from 1928 to 1939.

The bulk of information on Jiri Baum is in the Archive of the National Museum in Prague. 


I am most grateful to Jiri Baum's son Petr for providing me with some of the information above.


  • Anon. 1946. South African Museums Association Bulletin 3: 502.

  • Gilbert (1977)

Text by Hamish Robertson