Beetle anatomy (morphology)
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H1 Palp (feeler)
H2 Labial palp (feeler)
H3 Maxillary palp (feeler)
H4 Mandible (jaw)
H5 Maxilla (mouth parts)
H6 Labrum (upper 'lip')
H7 Labium (lower 'lip')
H8 Gula ('throat')
Head |

permission from Scholtz and Holm, Insects of southern Africa. |
Prothorax (first part of thorax)
T1 Prosternum
T2 Proepisternum
T3 Notopleural suture (join)
T4 Pronotum
T5 Proepimeron
T10 Mesepimeron
T12 Pronotum
T13 Scutellum
T14 Basal fossae on pronotum
Thorax 3 Thoracic segments |
(second part of thorax)
T6 Mesepisternum
T7 Mesepimeron
T8 Mesosternum
T15 Humerus
T16 Elytra
T17 Elytral striae
T18 Elytral interstices
The elytra cover part of the thorax and usually all of the
Metathorax (third part of thorax)
T9 Metepisternum
T10 Metasternum
T11 Metepimeron
A1 - A6 Abdominal sternites (segments) |
Abdomen |
One pair of legs attached to each thoracic segment.
L1 Coxae (base segment of leg)
L2 Metatrochanter
L3 Trochanther
L4 Tibia |
Legs |
L5 Tarsi or tarsal segments
L6 Tarsal claw |
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