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the web of life in southern Africa

Family: Alydidae (broad-headed bugs)

Life > Eukaryotes > Opisthokonta > Metazoa (animals) > Bilateria > Ecdysozoa > Panarthropoda > Tritocerebra > Arthopoda > Mandibulata > Atelocerata > Panhexapoda > Hexapoda > Insecta (insects) > Dicondyla > Pterygota > Metapterygota > Neoptera > Eumetabola > Paraneoptera > Condylognatha > Hemiptera (bugs) > Heteroptera > Pentatomomorpha > Coreoidea

Alydids have large broad triangular heads and are relatively slender. Members of the largest subfamily Alydinae feed on fallen pods from Acacia trees and pods of other members of the Fabaceae.

Mirperus jaculus Ant-like nymph of Euthetus

Mirperus jaculus (Alydinae) in fynbos [photo Hamish Robertson]

Ant-like nymph of Euthetus (Alydinae) found running on ground in fynbos.[photo Hamish Robertson]

Adult of Euthetus sp.

Adult of Euthetus sp., also found on ground. [photo Hamish Robertson]