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Family: Mantidae (common mantids)

Life > Eukaryotes > Opisthokonta > Metazoa (animals) > Bilateria > Ecdysozoa > Panarthropoda > Tritocerebra > Arthopoda > Mandibulata > Atelocerata > Panhexapoda > Hexapoda > Insecta (insects) > Dictyoptera > Mantodea (mantids)

The Mantidae is by far the largest family within the Mantodea, containing 263 genera and a vast array of species, and also showing a high degree of diversity in shape and form.  Most typical are the green/brown and grey mantids as well as most of the species which mimic tree bark or grass. The inner margin of the grasping legs has a row of alternating short and long spines with the eyes usually very large and the wings often reduced, at least in the female. 


 Sphodromantis gastrica Giant or Common Green Mantid  (body length 55mm) [image by A. Weaving © from Field Guide to Insects of South Africa, used with permission].

Sphodromantis gastrica Giant or Common Green Mantid (boat-shaped egg case) [image by M. Picker & C. Griffiths © from Field Guide  to Insects of South Africa, used with permission].


Omomantis zebrata Zebra Mantid (body length 52mm) [image by M. Picker & C. Griffiths © from Field Guide to Insects of South Africa used with permission].

Polyspilota aeruginosa (body length 80mm) [image by M. Picker & C. Griffiths © from Field Guide to Insects of South Africa used with permission].

Tarachodes sp. Bark Mantid (body length 37mm) [image by A. Weaving © from Field Guide to Insects of South Africa used with permission].

Miomantis sp. (body length 25mm) [image by M. Picker & C. Griffiths © from Field Guide to Insects of South Africa used with permission].

Pyrgomantis rhodesica (Grass Mantid) (body length 70mm) [image by M. Picker & C. Griffiths © from Field Guide to Insects of South Africa used with permission].

Popa undata (Stick Mantid) (body length 55mm) [image by M. Picker & C. Griffiths © from Field Guide to Insects of South Africa used with permission].


Page by Dawn Larsen