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the web of life in southern Africa

Order: Myrtales

Life > eukaryotes > Archaeoplastida > Chloroplastida > Charophyta > Streptophytina > Plantae (land plants) > Tracheophyta (vascular plants) > Euphyllophyta > Lignophyta (woody plants) > Spermatophyta (seed plants) > Angiospermae (flowering plants) > Eudicotyledons > Core Eudicots > Rosids > Eurosid II

Six of the nine families are encountered in southern Africa. There are about 380 genera and 11027 species worldwide, with 34 genera and 190 species native to southern Africa, an additional 11 genera and 44 species naturalised, and an additional 40 genera and 368 species cultivated in the region.

Families encountered in southern Africa


About 14 genera and 500 species (tropical and subtropical regions), with six genera and 56 species native to southern Africa, and an additional three genera and 18 species that are cultivated in the region.

Lythraceae (pomegranate family)

Thirty-one genera and 620 species, widely distributed with Seven genera and 47 species native to southern Africa, two genera and three species that are naturalised, and a further seven genera and 19 species that are cultivated in the region.


About 182 genera and 4570 species, native mainly to tropical and subtropical regions, especially South America. Six genera and 19 species are native to southern Africa, one genus and species are naturalised, and an additional four genera and 11 species are cultivated in the region.

Myrtaceae (eucalyptus, guava family)

About 131 genera and 4620 species, distributed worldwide, mainly in tropical to warm temperate regions. There are four genera and 25 species native to southern Africa, a further six genera and 23 species naturalised, and a further 21 genera and 298 species cultivated in the region. Species introduced to southern Africa originate mainly from Australia, with Eucalyptus the most prominent representative genus with 207 species introduced for cultivation (mainly for timber) of which 10 have become naturalised.

Onagraceae (fuchsia family)

Twenty-two genera and 656 species (worldwide), with two genera and 12 species native to southern Africa, two genera and 17 species naturalised, and a further five genera and 22 species that are cultivated in the region.


Nine genera and 34 species, native to eastern and southern Africa, also St Helena. The majority of the diversity is in southern Africa, particularly in fynbos of  the Western Cape and Eastern Cape.  All nine genera are native to southern Africa, and 31 species are native to the region.

Families not encountered in southern Africa: Alzateaceae, Crypteroniaceae, Vochysiaceae