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the web of life in southern Africa

Order: Oxalidales 

Life > eukaryotes > Archaeoplastida > Chloroplastida > Charophyta > Streptophytina > Plantae (land plants) > Tracheophyta (vascular plants) > Euphyllophyta > Lignophyta (woody plants) > Spermatophyta (seed plants) > Angiospermae (flowering plants) > Eudicotyledons > Core Eudicots > Rosids > Eurosid I 

Seven familes of which four are encountered in southern Africa. Worldwide, there are 60 genera and about 1815 species, of which seven genera and 211 species are native to southern Africa. An additional two species that are naturalised, and seven genera and 19 species cultivated in the region.  Oxalidaceae is the largest family with two genera and 204 species native to the region.

Families encountered in southern Africa


Twelve genera and 180 species (Pantropical, mainly Old World) with three genera and four species native to southern Africa.


There are 27 genera and about 280 species worldwide (mainly the temperate and tropical regions of the Southern Hemisphere). Cunonia capensis and Platypholus trifoliatus are the only species native to southern Africa. Four genera and four species are cultivated in southern Africa.


Twelve genera and 605 species worldwide, but not native to Africa and absent from North Temperate regions. Included here because two genera and seven species are cultivated in southern Africa.



About seven genera and 900 species worldwide (Africa, Madagascar, Asia and America), of which two genera (Biophytum and Oxalis) and 205 species are native to southern Africa. Two species are naturalised, and an additional genus and eight species are cultivated in southern Africa.

Families not encountered in southern Africa: Brunelliaceae, Cephalotaceae, Huaceae