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the web of life in southern Africa

Agave sisalana (Sisal)

Life > eukaryotes > Archaeoplastida > Chloroplastida > Charophyta > Streptophytina > Plantae (land plants) > Tracheophyta (vascular plants) > Euphyllophyta > Lignophyta (woody plants) > Spermatophyta (seed plants) > Angiospermae (flowering plants) > Monocotyledons > Order: Asparagales > Family: Asparagaceae > Genus: Agave

Grown commercially for the production of fibre used for making ropes and is also incorporated into other products such as carpets, furniture and wall tiles. In South Africa it is a declared Category 2 invader plant, This means that is can be grown commercially in designated, permitted areas but outside these areas it has to be controlled.


Text by Hamish Robertson