> Eukaryotes
Opisthokonta >
(animals) > Bilateria > Ecdysozoa > Panarthropoda > Tritocerebra >
Arthropoda > Arachnomorpha > Cheliceriformes > Chelicerata > Euchelicerata
> Arachnida
Scorpions are ancient animals and fossil
records indicate that they were already in existence about 425 – 450 million
years ago during the Silurian period and evolved from an amphibious ancestor.
They occur in habitats ranging from forest to deserts but it is in the arid
areas that they are most common and diverse. Like the insects and spiders,
scorpions belong to the phylum
Arthropoda and like the spiders they belong to the
Arachnida but belong to a different order, Scorpiones.
Scorpions are
a diverse group of arachnids and include 16 families, 159 genera with 1260
described species worldwide. In southern Africa they fall into two
superfamilies and four families:
Superfamily Scorpionoidea (thin-tail scorpions)
- Non-venomous
Family: Scorpionidae
Found in Africa and Asia, with a total of 4
genera. Opistophthalmus
the only southern African genus and includes 59 described species with 17 new
species in preparation for publication. While the sting can be painful and some
species (e.g. Opistophthalmus
glabrifrons) are reported to have some unpleasant systemic symptoms, the venom
of this group is of little medical importance.
Family: Liochelidae
Includes the genera Opisthacanthus, Hadogenes
and Cheloctonus These scorpions and are not venomous to people.
With the Scorpionidae, they belong to the group commonly referred to as
the thin-tail scorpions and a sting from one of them should, at worst,
be no more than a bee sting. This family was previously a subfamily of
the Scorpionidae. It is distributed through Africa, south-east Asia,
Australia and South America and its associated islands.
Family: Bothriuridae
The bothriurids are Gondwanaland relics and
include 10 genera in
South America, 1 in Australia and the endemic northern Namibian genus Lisposoma
that includes 2 species. Lisposoma scorpions are small (18 to 32 mm
body length) with a relatively thick tail. The chelae in males are only slightly
thicker than the tail. These scorpions can be confused with smaller buthids but
tails of the latter are considerably thicker than the chelae.
Superfamily: Buthoidea (thick-tail
scorpions) - Highly
Family: Buthidae
The buthids are commonly referred to as the
scorpions and are generally venomous to people, the most venomous genera being Parabuthus and Buthotus.
This is a large and widespread family with over 500 species occurring on all
continents except Antarctica. Seven genera occur in southern Africa
Scorpions are mostly nocturnal and they hunt insects, other arachnids and
small reptiles and mammals. During the day they can be found under rocks, bark,
cow-pats and rock crevices.
Often they are attracted to insect activity around lights and many queries
received by the Museum relate to this. Many people leave lights on during the
night and these attract insects that in turn attract the scorpions.
When aggravated, scorpions seem to make a hissing sound. This sound is
produced differently by differently scorpions. One species scrapes its sting
along a granulated area on the upper surface of the first two segments os the
tale while another vibrates its pincers together.
Scorpions either ambush unsuspecting prey that
wander close to their retreats, or they wander about actively hunting for prey.
They detect prey by air movement over the trichobothria (long sensory setae) and
when the tarsal sense organs detect the prey, within about 150 mm, this induces
a dash to capture the prey. The prey is caught with the chelae. Buthids, the
thick tail scorpions, have strong venom and small chelae so they sting almost
instantly killing their prey and therefore do not require large chelae to hold onto
Other, non buthid species, the thin tail scorpions, have weak venoms but have
large powerful chelae that enable them to either secure the prey until it dies
from the sting, or to simply crush the prey. The prey is orientated specifically
and is eaten head first. Scorpions do not eat every day and even if conditions
are ideal, that is warm, windless nights, only a small percentage will
feed. Some scorpions can survive 6 to 12 months without food. Prey includes
insects, centipedes, millipedes, snails, spiders, soifugids, scorpions and even
small reptiles and mice.
In most species (not all) the
male initiates the courting. He grips the female pedipalps (chelae) and leads
her in a mating dance that usually lasts about 30 to 60 minutes, but can vary
from 5 minutes to 2 days and they can cover a distance of about 25 metres. Once
a suitable substrate is found, the male deposits a spermatophore from his
genital aperture and the female is then guided over the spermatophore that is
taken up into her genital opercula. The sperm uptake lasts from a few seconds to
6 minutes.
Opistophthalmus capensis
female with young. [photo N. Larsen
©] |
Scorpions are viviparous (carry
the eggs inside the reproductive tract and give birth to live young). After a
3 to 18 month gestation period, 1-105 live young are born, the average
numbering approximately 26. The female, in most species, forms a basket with her
first or first and second pairs of legs to catch the newborn at birth. They then
climb up her legs onto her back where they will moult for the first time. The
birthing rate varies from 1 per minute to 1 per hour and can continue from 12
hours to 10 days depending on the species. The young disperse after 3 to 14 days
before they become a meal for their own mother. Food supply and temperature
seems to influence the litter size and gestation period and the latter can
double in cold conditions. Embryos are reabsorbed if there is a lack of food.
Scorpions moult 6 times before
maturity and that varies from 6 months to 8 years. Their life expectancy varies
with the different species and ranges from 2 years to as much as 10 to 25 years.
Thanks to Lorenzo Prendini for
his enthusiasm and assistance in producing this site and for the numerous
unpublished papers made available. Thanks also to Drs Nils Bergman, Gerbus
Muller and Ansie Dippenaar-Schoeman for permission to include information from
several of their publications.
Bergman, N. J. 1997. Scorpion sting in Zimbabwe.
African Medical Journal 87: 163-167.
Bergman, N. J. 1997. Clinical description of
transvaalicus scorpionism in Zimbabwe. Toxicon 35: 759-771.
Croucamp, W. 2000. Scorpion stings - diagnosis and
management. The rule of thumb to determine the danger level of a sting is
explained. Journal of Continued Medical Education 18(8): 680-682.
Dippenaar-Schoeman, A. and
Müller, G.
2000. Medically important spiders and scorpions of southern Africa.
(CD-Rom). Agricultural Research Council, Pretoria.
Eastwood, E. B. 1977. Notes on the scorpion fauna of the
Cape. Part 1. Descriptions of neotypes of Opisthophthalmus capensis (Herbst)
remarks on O. capensis and O. grandifrons Pocock, species group (Arachnida,
Scorpionida, Scorpionidae). Annals of the South African Museum 72:
Eastwood, E. B. 1977. Notes on the scorpion fauna of the
Cape. Part 2. The Parabuthus capensis (Ehrenberg) species -group; remarks
on taxonomy and bionomics (Arachnida, Scorpionida, Buthidae). Annals of the
South African Museum 73: 199-214.
Eastwood, E. B. 1978. Notes on the scorpion fauna of the
Cape. Part 3. Some observations on the distribution and biology of scorpions on
Table Mountain. Annals of the South African Museum 74: 229-248.
Eastwood, E. B. 1978. Notes on the scorpion fauna of the
Cape. Part 4. The burrowing activities of some scorpionids and buthids (Arachnida,
Scorionida). Annals of the South African Museum 74: 249-255.
- Filmer, M. R. and Newlands, G. 1994. Araneism and Scorpionism in Africa south of
the equator. Part 2 Scorpionism. Diseases of the Skin 8(2): 7-10.
- Harrington, A. 1982. Diurnalism in Parabuthus villosus (Peters)
(Scorpiones, Buthidae). Journal of Archnology 10: 86.
- Lamoral, B. H. 1979. The scorpions of Namibia
(Arachnida: Scorpionida). Annals
of the Natal Museum 23: 497-784.
- Lawrence, R. F. 1955. Solifugae, Scopiones and
Pedipalpi, with checklists and
keys to South African families, genera and species. Results of the Lund
University Expedition in 1950-1951. In B. Hanström, P. Brinck & G. Redebeck
(Eds) South African Animal Life 1: 152-262. Uppsala: Almqvist &
- Leeming, J. 2003. Scorpions of Southern
Africa. Struik Publishers, Cape Town.
- Müller, G. J. 1993. Scorpionism in South Africa. A
report of 42 serious scorpion envenomations. South African Medical Journal
83: 405-411.
- Newlands, G. 1972. Ecological adaptions of Kruger National Park scorpionids
(Arachnida: Scorpionides). Koedoe 15: 37-82.
- Newlands, G. and de Meillon, E. 1987. Venomous Creatures. Struik
Pocket Guides for southern Africa. Struik, Cape Town.
- Newlands, G. 1985. A re-appraisal of the Rock scorpions
(Scorpionidae: Hadogenes). Koedoe 28: 35-45.
- Newlands, G. Scorpion Defence Behaviour. African Wildlife 23: 147-153.
- Paalini, A. 1995. Treatment of Bites and Stings. Kagiso
- Polis, G.A. (editor) 1990.The
Biology of Scorpions. Stanford University Press, Stanford, California.
- Prendini, L. 2000. A new species of Parabuthus
Pocock (Scorpiones: Buthidae), and new records of Parabuthus capensis (Ehrenberg),
from Namibia and South Africa. Cimbebasia 16: 201-214.
- Prendini, L. 2000. Phylogeny and classification
of the superfamily Scorpionoidea Latreille 1802 (Chelicerata, Scorpiones): An
exemplar approach. Cladistics 16: 1-78.
- Prendini, L. (in press). Phylogeny of Parabuthus
(Scorpiones, Buthidae). Zoologica Scripta.
- Prendini, L. (in press). Substratum - specificity
and speciation in southern African scorpions: Urba's "effect
hypothesis" revisited.
- Prendini, L. (in press). Two new species of Hadogenes
(Scorpiones, Ischnuridae) from South Africa, with a redescription of Hadogenes
bicolor and a discussion on the phylogenetic position of Hadogenes. Journal
of Arachnology.
- Prins, A. and Leroux, V. 1990. South African Spiders and Scorpions.
Anubis Press, Cape Town.
- Shire, L., Muller, G.J. and Pantanowitz, L. 1996. The diagnosis and treatment
of envenomation in South Africa. Journal of the South Africa Institute for
Medical Research :32-35.
Text and images by Norman Larsen ©. |