Hymenoptera (sawflies, wasps, bees and ants)
> Eukaryotes >
Opisthokonta >
Metazoa (animals) > Bilateria > Ecdysozoa
> Panarthropoda > Tritocerebra > Phylum:
Arthopoda > Mandibulata >
Atelocerata > Panhexapoda >
> Insecta (insects) > Dicondyla > Pterygota >
Metapterygota > Neoptera > Eumetabola > Holometabola
The main defining characteristic of the order Hymenoptera is that the front and
hind wings are held together by a series of little hooks called hamuli. There
are two suborders of Hymenoptera, the Symphyta (sawflies) and the Apocryta. The
sawflies are a diverse group in the northern Hemisphere but here in southern
Africa their diversity is low. The Apocryta are by far the most diverse of the
two suborders and include all the wasps, bees and ants. The Apocryta have a
distinctive constriction or waist in the abdomen which is a good field character
for separating them from other insects. Some flies (Diptera) often look like
bees or wasps but they can be immediately distinguished from Hymenoptera (and
other insects) by having only a single pair of wings and not having the
constriction in the abdomen. For more information on the
Hymenoptera, go to Biodiversity Explorer's companion website:
For information on figwasps and fig trees, go to
Biodiversity Explorer's other companion website: