A total of 189 genera and 2361 species
(cosmopolitan, mainly warmer regions), with five genera and six species native to southern Africa . An additional 104 genera and
264 species are cultivated in the region.
List from Glen (2000).
List from Glen (2002). The species name is provided in
genera that have only one species cultivated in southern Africa.
Acanthophoenix rubra (Palmiste
rouge) Native to Madagascar. |
Acoelorrhaphe wrightii (Silver
saw palm)
Native to Florida, central America and Cuba. |
Three species cultivated. |
Actinorhytis calapparia (Pinang penawar)
Native to New Guinea. |
Adonidia merrillii (True manila
palm, Christmas palm) Native to the Philippines. |
Four species cultivated. |
Allagoptera arenaria
Native to Brazil. |
Archontophoenix (king palms)
Two species cultivated. |
Areca Six
species cultivated. |
Arecastrum romanzoffianum (Queen
palm) Native to subtropical South America. |
Arenga Nine
species are cultivated in southern Africa, including the
Arenga pinnata (Sugar palm), which is native from India
through to Indonesia. |
Arikuryroba schizophylla
(Aricury) Native to Brazil. |
Five species cultivated. |
Beccariophoenix madagascariensis
(Manarano) Native to Madagascar. |
Bactris (Peach palm genus)
Four species cultivated. Bactris gasipaes
(Pejibaye, Peach palm) is native to the Amazonian region in
South America and is cultivated mainly to harvest the growing stem tips
(apical meristems), which are sold as 'heart of palm' or 'palm hearts'.
These are eaten as a vegetable delicacy, either raw or cooked. You can buy
them fresh or canned. The fruit are also harvested and are a source of flour
and vegetable oil. |
Bentinckia nicobarica
Native to the Nicobar Islands. |
Bismarckia nobilis
Native to Madagascar. |
Three species cultivated. |
Burretiokentia vieillardii
Native to New Caledonia. |
Three species cultivated. |
Calamus (lawyer canes)
Two species cultivated. |
Calyptrocalyx lauterbachii
Native to New Guinea. |
Two species cultivated. |
Carpentaria acuminata (North
Australian feather palm) Native to Australia. |
Caryota (fish-tail palms)
Five species cultivated, the most well-known species being
Caryota urens
(Common fishtail palm). |
Nineteen species cultivated. |
Chamaerops humilis (European fan
Native to southern Europe and North Africa. |
Chambeyronia macrocarpa
Native to New Caledonia. |
Six species cultivated. |
nucifera (Coconut palm) Coconut palms are native to the Indo-Pacific Ocean region
and grow at the top of beaches, at the limit of wave action. They are grown
in large plantations and are used for producing many products, such as coconut
oil (from the white endosperm in the coconut), wine ('toddy'), spirit ('arrack') and coir matting. The white endosperm is used
in cooking and confectionery. |
Copernicia prunifera (Carnauba
wax palm)
Native to Brazil. |
Corypha umbraculifera (Talipot
palm) Native to southern India and Sri Lanka. |
Cyphophoenix nucele (Nucele)
Native to New Caledonia. |
Cyrtostachys renda (Sealing wax
palm, Maharajah palm) Native to southeast Asia. |
Daemonorops margaritae (Hong
Kong rattan palm)
Native to Hong Kong and the Philippines. |
Deckenia nobilis
Native to the Seychelles. |
Desmoncus orthacanthus (Basket
tie-tie) Indigenous from Mexico to Brazil. |
Dictyosperma album (Princess palm)
Native to Madagascar, Rodrigues and Mauritius. |
Two species cultivated. |
species cultivated. |
Elaeis guineensis (African
oil palm)
Native to tropical Africa. |
Euterpe edulis (Assai, Jucara
palm) Native to Brazil. |
Gastrococos crispa (Belly palm,
Cuban grugru palm) Native to Cuba. |
Gaussia Two
species cultivated. |
Gulubia macrospadix
Native to the Solomon Islands. |
Hedyscepe canterburyana
(Umbrella palm) Native to Lord Howe Island. |
Three species cultivated. |
Howea Two
species cultivated. |
Two species cultivated. |
Four species cultivated. |
Jessenia bataua (Jagua palm)
Native to northern South America. |
Jubaea chilensis (Honey palm)
Native to Chile. |
Laccospadix australasica
(Australian cluster palm, Atherton palm)
Native to Australia. |
Three species cultivated. |
Seven species cultivated. |
Two species cultivated. |
Twenty-eight species of which 12 species are cultivated in southern Africa.
Some species, have been transferred to Saribus.
Lodoicea maldivica (Coco de mer,
Double coconut) Native to the islands of Praslin and
Curieuse in the Seychelles. Holds the records as the plant with the largest
fruit (42 kg) and largest seed (up to 17.6 kg). These seeds are sometimes
washed up on southern African beaches but do not germinate here. |
Two species cultivated. |
Mauritia flexuosa (Buritisol)
Native to tropical South America. |
Two species cultivated. |
Nenga pumila (Djambe ngenge)
Native to Indonesia. |
Neoveitchia storckii
Native to Fiji. |
Nephrosperma vanhoutteana
(Latanier millepattes)
Native to the Seychelles. |
Normanbya normanbyi (Black palm,
Normanby palm) Native to Australia. |
Nypa fruticans (Nipa palm)
Indigenous from India to Australia. |
Oenocarpus distichus (Brazilian
feather palm) Native to Brazil. |
Oncosperma tigillarium (Nibung)
Native to Southeast Asia. |
Three species cultivated. |
Oraniopsis appendiculata
Native to Australia. |
Orbignya cohune (Cohune palm)
Indigenous from Mexico to Guatemala. |
Parajubaea cocoides (Palma de
coquito) Native to Ecuador and Colombia. |
Phoenicophorium borsigianum
Native to the Seychelles. |
Physokentia dennisii
Native to the Solomon Islands. |
Phytelephas macrocarpa (Ivory
palm) Native to Peru, Brazil and Bolivia. |
Pigafetta filaris (Pigafetta
Native to Indonesia. |
Seven species cultivated. |
Polyandrococos caudescens (Buri
palm) Native to Brazil. |
Prestoea montana
Native to the West Indies. |
Six species cultivated. |
Two species cultivated. |
Eleven species cultivated. |
Ravenea Two
species cultivated. |
Two species cultivated. |
Rhapidophyllum hystrix (Needle
Native to southern USA |
Three species cultivated. |
Rhopaloblaste elegans
Native to the Solomon Islands. |
Three species cultivated. |
Roystonea (royal palms)
Six species cultivated. |
species cultivated. |
Salacca zalacca (Salek)
Native to Indonesia. |
Nine species, native to the Philippines, Borneo (Banggi Island only),
Sulawesi, Moluccas, New Guinea, Solomon Islands, and New Caledonia. Species
were previously placed under Livistona and Prtchardiopsis but
transferred to Saribus by Bacon & Baker (2011). |
Serenoa palmetto (Saw palmetto)
Native to southeastern USA. |
Syagrus Two
species cultivated. |
Synechanthus warszewiczianus
Indigenous from Costa Rica to Ecuador. |
Thrinax Four
species cultivated. |
Three species cultivated. |
Two species cultivated. |
Three species cultivated. |
Verschaffeltia splendida
(Latanier latte)
Native to the Seychelles. |
Two species cultivated. |
Two species cultivated. |
Wodyetia bifurcata (Foxtail
palm) Native to Australia. |
Zombia antillarum (Zombi palm)
Native to Haiti |