Genus: Anthospermum Life
> eukaryotes >
Archaeoplastida >
Charophyta > Streptophytina > Plantae (land plants)
> Tracheophyta (vascular plants) > Euphyllophyta > Lignophyta (woody plants)
> Spermatophyta (seed plants) > Angiospermae (flowering
plants) > Eudicotyledons > Core Eudicots > Asterids > Euasterid I >
Order: Gentianales > Family: Rubiaceae
A total of 40 species, native to
Africa and Madagascar, with 26 species native to southern Africa.
Species native to southern Africa
List from
of Southern Africa - an Online Checklist (SANBI),
Flora of Zimbabwe
and Flora of
Anthospermum aethiopicum
Anthospermum ammannioides
Recorded from Zimbabwe and Mozambique. See
Flora of Zimbabwe. |
Anthospermum basuticum |
Anthospermum bergianum |
Anthospermum bicorne |
Anthospermum comptonii |
Anthospermum dregei |
Anthospermum ericifolium |
Anthospermum esterhuysenianum |
Anthospermum galioides |
Anthospermum galpinii |
Anthospermum herbaceum
Flora of Zimbabwe. |
Anthospermum hirtum |
Anthospermum hispidulum |
Anthospermum littoreum |
Anthospermum monticola |
Anthospermum paniculatum |
Anthospermum prostratum |
Anthospermum rigidum
Flora of Zimbabwe. |
Anthospermum spathulatum |
Anthospermum streyi |
Anthospermum ternatum
Flora of Zimbabwe. |
Anthospermum vallicola
Recorded from Zimbabwe and Mozambique. |
Anthospermum whyteanum
Recorded from Zimbabwe and Mozambique. |
Anthospermum welwitschii |
Anthospermum zimbabwense
Recorded from Zimbabwe and Mozambique.
Flora of Zimbabwe. |
Puff, C. 1986. Paederieae, Anthospermeae,
Rubieae. Flora of southern Africa 31, part 1, fascicle 2: 1-79.
Puff, C. 1989. Otiophora, Paederia,
Anthospermum, Rubia & Galium. Flora Zambesiaca 5,1: 63-65, 142-149,
150-158, 193-201.
Verdcourt, B. 1976. Flora of Tropical East
Africa. Rubiaceae (part 1): 1-414.