Rubiaceae (gardenia, coffee and quinine family) Life
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Order: Gentianales
A large family of 630 genera and about 10200 species found
worldwide but particularly in tropical and warm regions. Eighty genera and
349 species are native to southern Africa, an additional two genera and six
species are naturalised, and an additional 18 genera and 43 species that are
cultivated in the region.
Genera native to southern Africa
List from Retief & Leistner (2000),
of Southern Africa - an Online Checklist (SANBI),
Flora of Zimbabwe
and Flora of
Three species are native to southern Africa. |
Agathisanthemum About
six species, native to
tropical Africa and the Comoro Islands, with three species native to southern Africa. |
Thirteen species, distributed through the Old World
tropics as well as Australia. One species,
Aidia micrantha, is native to southern Africa (Zimbabwe and
Mozambique). See
Flora of Zimbabwe. |
Alberta Five species,
four in Madagascar and one, Alberta
magna (Natal flame
bush, Breekhout), native to southern Africa (KwaZulu-Natal and Eastern Cape). |
Amphiasma Six species,
native to tropical
and southwestern Africa, with three species native to southern Africa. |
Ancylanthos Five species,
native to tropical
Africa, with one species, Ancylanthos rubiginosus, native to
southern Africa (see
Flora of Zimbabwe). |
Anthospermum A total of 40 species,
native to
Africa and Madagascar, with 26 species native to southern Africa. |
Breonadia One species, Breonadia
salicina (Matumi, Rhodesian redwood),
native to tropical Africa and Madagascar; an important timber tree. See
Flora of Zimbabwe. |
Burchellia One species,
bubalina (Wild pomegranate), endemic to southern Africa. |
One species:
Burttdavya nyasica, native to Tanzania, Mozambique and Malawi. See
Flora of Mozambique. |
Canthium About 52 species, found in tropical
areas of the Old World, with 13 species native to southern Africa. |
Carpacoce Seven species, endemic to the
Western and Eastern Cape. |
Carphalea A total of 14 species,
native to
tropical Africa and Madagascar, with one species, Carphalea pubescens,
native to southern Africa (Namibia and Botswana). See
Flora of Zimbabwe. |
About 10-15 species, occurring in tropical Africa, Madagascar and Asia, with
three species native to
southern Africa. |
Cephalanthus About
six species, native to
tropical regions and North America, with one species,
natalensis (Strawberry bush) (see
Flora of Zimbabwe), native to southern Africa and a further
species, Cephalanthus occidentalis (Button bush) (native from eastern
Canada to Cuba) that is cultivated in the region. |
Forty-two species, native to the Old World tropics, mainly
Madagascar. One species, Chassalia parvifolia, is native to southern
Africa (Zimbabwe, Mozambique). |
About 25 species, native to tropical Africa, with one
species, Chazaliella abrupta (False bird-berry), native to southern
Africa (Zimbabwe and Mozambique). See
Flora of Zimbabwe. |
Coddia One species, Coddia rudis,
endemic to southern Africa. |
Coffea A total of 40 species, occurring in
the Old World tropics, with six species native to southern Africa and a further four species
that are cultivated in southern Africa. Coffee is produced mainly
from Coffea arabica (Arabian coffee,
Arabica coffee) although other species are also used, to a much lesser
extent. |
A total of nine species, native to the eastern regions of Africa, with three
species native to southern Africa. |
Coptosperma About 50 species, native to Africa and Madagascar, with
species native to southern Africa. |
Sixteen species, native to tropical Africa, Madagascar and
the Seychelles, with one species, Craterispermum schweinfurthii,
native to southern Africa (Zimbabwe and Mozambique). See
Flora of Zimbabwe. |
Three or four species, native to tropical Africa and the
Comores, with one species, Cremaspora triflora, native to southern
Africa (Zimbabwe and Mozambique). See
Flora of Zimbabwe. |
Crossopteryx One species, Crossopteryx
febrifuga (Common crown-berry, Crystal bark), native to tropical Africa, including Namibia, Botswana,
Zimbabwe, Mozambique and
South Africa (Limpopo Province). See
Flora of Zimbabwe. |
Four species, native to tropical Africa, with one species,
Didymosalpinx norae, native to southern Africa (Zimbabwe and
Mozambique). |
About 30-50 species, native mainly to North America, but
also found in Africa. One species, Diodia sarmentosa, is native to
southern Africa (Zimbabwe and Mozambique; see
Flora of Zimbabwe) and
Diodia dasycephala has become naturalised as a roadside weed in the Eastern Cape. |
Eriosemopsis The sole species,
subanisophylla, is endemic to southern Africa (southern KwaZulu-Natal
and northern Eastern Cape). |
Fadogia About 45 species, found in tropical
Africa, with six species native to southern Africa. |
Feretia Two species,
native to tropical
Africa, with one, Feretia aeruginescens, extending into southern
Africa (Namibia, Zimbabwe). See
Flora of Zimbabwe. |
Gaillonia Total of 17 species,
native to
Africa and Asia, with one species, Gaillonia crocyllis, endemic to southern Namibia and Northern Cape. |
Galium About 400 species, found worldwide,
with 16 species native to southern Africa. |
Galopina Four species with a distribution
extending from southern Malawi southwards, with all four native to the southeastern regions of southern
Africa. |
Gardenia About 60 species, native to
tropical and warm regions of the Old World, with nine species native to southern Africa and a further species that
is cultivated in the region. |
About 20 species, found in the tropics, with two species
native to southern Africa (Zimbabwe, Mozambique). |
Guettarda About 60 species,
native mainly to
New Caledonia and tropical America, but with one species, Guettarda
speciosa, native to southern Africa, found on vegetated dunes of northern
KwaZulu-Natal and Mozambique. |
Heinsenia One
species: Heinsenia diervilleoides, native to tropical Africa,
including Zimbabwe and Mozambique. See
Flora of Zimbabwe. |
Heinsia Five
species, native to tropical Africa, with one species, Heinsia crinita, native to southern Africa
(Limpopo Province in South Africa, Zimbabwe, Mozambique). See
Flora of Zimbabwe. |
Twenty species, found in the Old World, with two species native to southern
Africa and a further species that is cultivated in
the region. |
Two species, native to tropical
Africa with both of them having distributions extending into southern
Africa. |
Ixora About 300
species, native to the tropics, with one species, Ixora narcissodora,
native to southern Africa (Zimbabwe, Mozambique). An additional six species are cultivated in
the region. |
About 40 species, occurring in tropical Africa, with two species native to southern Africa. |
Kohautia About 60 species, native to the Old World tropics, with 16 species
native to southern Africa. |
Kraussia Three species,
native to tropical Africa, with the distribution of one of them,
Kraussia floribunda
(Rhino coffee),
extending into southern Africa. |
Four species, native to tropical Africa, with three of them native to southern Africa. |
About 170 species, native to tropical Africa, and from Indomalesia to
Australia. One species, Lasianthus kilimandscharicus, is native to
southern Africa (Zimbabwe, Mozambique) - see
Flora of Zimbabwe. |
A total of 25 species, occurring in tropical Africa, with three species native
to southern Africa. |
Mitriostigma Five species,
native to tropical Africa, with the distribution of one species, Mitriostigma axillare
(Dwarf loquat),
extending into southern Africa. |
Multidentia Eleven species, all native to tropical
Africa, with two species extending into southern Africa (Zimbabwe and
Mozambique). |
Mussaenda About
100 species, native to the Old World tropics, with one species, Mussaenda
arcuata, native to southern Africa (Zimbabwe and Mozambique). An
additional seven
species are cultivated in southern Africa. |
Nine species, endemic to southern Africa. |
Oldenlandia About 300 species, tropical in distribution, particularly Africa,
with 16 species native to southern Africa. |
Otiophora Twenty species, occurring in tropical Africa and Madagascar, with
five species native to southern Africa. |
Otomeria Eight
species, native to tropical Africa and Madagascar, with one species,
Otomeria elatior, native to southern Africa (Zimbabwe and Mozambique). |
Oxyanthus About 40
species, with five species native to southern Africa. |
Pachystigma The 10 species
are found in the warmer regions of Africa, with all of them occurring in
southern Africa. |
Paederia The 20
species are found in tropical regions, with one, Paederia
bojeriana, native to East Africa and southern Africa, including South
Africa (Limpopo), Zimbabwe and Mozambique - see
Flora of Zimbabwe. |
Paraknoxia One
species: Paraknoxia parviflora, recorded from Zimbabwe. |
About 25 species, native to tropical Africa, with one species,
Pauridiantha symplocoides, native to southern Africa (Zimbabwe and
Mozambique) - see
Flora of Zimbabwe. |
Pavetta About
400 species, found in the Old World tropics, with 35 species native to southern
Africa. |
Fifteen species, native to tropical Africa, with four species native to southern Africa. |
Pentas About
34 species, native to Africa, Arabian Peninsula and Madagascar, with five
species native to southern Africa and a further three species that are cultivated in
the region. |
Pentodon Two species, with a wide distribution in warm and tropical
America, Africa, Arabian Peninsula and Seychelles. One species, Pentodon
pentandrus, is native to southern Africa (see
Flora of Zimbabwe, where it is split into
var. pentandrus and
var. minor). |
Phylohydrax Two
species, native to tropical Africa and Madagascar, with one of them, Phylohydrax
carnosa, native to southern Africa. |
About 20 species, native to tropical Africa, Madagascar and the Comores with
one species, Polysphaeria lanceolata, native to southern Africa
(Zimbabwe) - see
Flora of Zimbabwe. |
Psychotria About 1400
species, occurring in the tropics, with eight species native to southern Africa
and a further species cultivated in the region. |
Psydrax About 100 species,
native to the Old World tropics, with nine
species native to southern Africa. |
species, native to tropical Africa, with two species native to southern
Africa. |
About 45 species, native to Africa, Madagascar and Mauritius, with two
species native to southern Africa. |
Rothmannia About 40 species, native to tropical Africa, Asia and the
Seychelles, with five species native to southern Africa. |
Rubia About 60 species,
native to Africa, temperate Asia and
America, with three species native to southern Africa. |
About 22 species, native to tropical Africa and
Madagascar, with two species native to southern Africa (Zimbabwe and
Mozambique). |
Rytigynia About 70
species, native to tropical Africa, with five species native to southern Africa. |
Seventeen species, native to tropical Africa, with one species, Sericanthe
andongensis, native to southern Africa, where it occurs in South
Africa (Limpopo Province), Zimbabwe and Mozambique. See
Flora of Zimbabwe. |
Spermacoce About 100 species worldwide, with
15 species native to southern
Africa. |
About 20 species, native to tropical Africa, with one
species, Tapiphyllum velutinum, native to southern Africa (Zimbabwe,
Mozambique) - see
Flora of Zimbabwe. |
Tarenna About 180 species,
native to the Old World tropics, with four species native to southern Africa. |
About two species, native to tropical east Africa,
Madagascar, the Comores and Aldabra, with one species, Triainolepis
sancta, native to southern Africa (Mozambique). |
Tricalysia About 100
species, native to tropical regions of the Old World, with 17 species
native to
southern Africa. |
Vangueria A total of 27
species, found in tropical Africa and Madagascar, with 10 species
native to
southern Africa. |
Vangueriopsis The 18
species are native to tropical Africa, with one species, Vangueriopsis
lanciflora, native to southern Africa (Namibia, Zimbabwe) - see
Flora of Zimbabwe. |
Genera naturalised in southern Africa
List from Retief & Leistner (2000) and
of Southern Africa - an Online Checklist (SANBI).
Richardia Total of 15 species, native to tropical America, with
naturalised in the eastern parts of southern Africa. |
Sherardia The only
species, Sherardia arvensis, is
native to Europe,
Mediterranean and West Asia, and has become naturalised in southern
Africa. See
Flora of Zimbabwe. |
Other genera, cultivated in southern Africa
List from Glen (2002). The species name is provided in
genera that have only one species represented in southern Africa.
Asperula tinctoria (Dyer's woodruff)
Native to the Mediterranean. |
Bouvardia ternifolia
Native to southern USA and Mexico.
Cinchona (Peruvian bark, Quinine trees)
There are about 40 species, all native to Central and South America. At
least one, unidentified, species has been cultivated in southern Africa. The
genus is best known as the source of quinine, which is derived from the bark
of these trees. Quinine has, and still is, used in the treatment of
About 90 species, native to east Malesia, Australia and the Pacific.
Four species are cultivated in southern Africa. |
Crucianella angustifolia
Native from Portugal to Turkey.
Hamelia patens
Native from Florida to Brazil.
Hoffmannia refulgens
Native to Mexico.
Luculia gratissima
Native to India.
Manettia luteo-rubra
Native from Brazil to Uruguay.
Morinda citrifolia (Indian mulberry)
Native from tropical Asia to Australia.
Myrmecodia beccarii
Native to northeastern Australia.
Nauclea orientalis (Kauluang)
Native from Burma to northern Australia.
Palicourea gardenioides
Native to Mexico.
Phuopsis stylosa |
Posoqueria latifolia (Brazilian oak)
Native to tropical America.
Two species cultivated: Rondeletia amoena (native to Mexico) and
Rondeletia odorata (native to Cuba). |
Serissa japonica (Niklande)
Native from Japan to Indonesia. |
Bridson, D.M. 1998. Rubiaceae. Flora Zambesiaca 5,2: 211-377.
Bridson, D.M. & Verdcourt, B. 1988. Flora
of Tropical East Africa. Rubiaceae (part 2): 415-747.
Glen, H.F. 2002. Cultivated Plants of
Southern Africa. Jacana, Johannesburg.
Launert, E. 1966. Rubiaceae. Prodromus
einer Flora von Südwestafrika 115: 1-27.
Retief, E. & Leistner, O.A. 2000.
Rubiaceae. In: Seed Plants of
Southern Africa (ed. O.A. Leistner). Strelitzia 10: 476-495.
National Botanical Institute, Pretoria.
Verdcourt, B. 1976. Flora of Tropical East
Africa. Rubiaceae (part 1): 1-414.
Verdcourt, B. 1989. Rubiaceae. Flora
Zambesiaca 5,1: 1-210.
Verdcourt, B. & Bridson, D.M. 1991. Flora
of Tropical East Africa. Rubiaceae (part 3): 1-956.